
Macbeth Alternate Ending Essay

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Silence filled the air as she fell on her knees. She covered her mouth with one hand, closing her eyes. No tears were falling down her rosy cheeks; no sobs were coming out of her mouth. She wanted to cry, to let it all out, to scream, but she couldn’t. It wasn’t sadness or grief that she felt, it was anger and a burning desire for revenge. She blamed Howe, she blamed his soldiers, she even blamed Duncan for everything that had happened.

After a few moments that seemed like an eternity Kayli slowly stood up, brushing a few wild strands of red hair from her face. When she turned around, she looked Duncan in the eye, her teal eyes filled with anger. Then, in the blink of an eye, she threw her fist at him, but he was quick to grab her by the wrist. And thus, the silence between them continued until …show more content…

At first, Kayli simply refused to eat, sleep or even try to listen to Duncan. She was a stubborn one and Duncan was more than sure of it. Each time they would come across a tavern Kayli would simply get any type of ale, wine or brandy she could afford. Alcohol seemed to be the only thing that eased away the pain she felt.

Eventually, he tried again, hoping that he would have more luck this time. “If you want to talk about what happened, I’m-”

“No.” This time, she was the one to cut him off. She looked down at the campfire, not bother to lift her gaze and look at him. Her answer was short and clear, but not the end of what she had to say. “Do you know what I want? I want my family back, I want them alive. Hell, I even want the life I hated so much back.” Freedom was something she had desired for a very long time, but not like that. Kayli liked to get what she wanted, as long as it was on her own terms. This was just something that should have never happened, and yet the Maker seemed to hate her quite a lot.

“I know it must be hard, but try to focus your grief and anger on the Blight. It may help you in the battles to

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