
Macbeth Controversy Analysis

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MacBeth one of Shakespeare’s greatest play leading all plays in controversy, he uses many different form of mind games to create a character's change of action. “Though ancient playwrights believed in different deities and ethical systems, they too depicted humans struggles with the gods, with fate and freewill, crime punishment, guilt and suffering.” (Robert Miola) The recurring theme of a man not being a man resurfaces when MacDuff leaves the country and leaves his wife alone back in the Castle. “Shakespeare's Macbeth is one of his darkest and oddest plays. While none of Shakespeare's great tragedies can be called cheery,” (David Boyles)Then, the question of madness and if MacDuff has gone crazy to leave or has be become a traitor seems to suggest MacDuff …show more content…

It’s such an ironic comment because MacBeth has taken and destroyed all the good from the land by killing Duncan, Banquo, and making MacDuff flee the country. “Human nature is infinitely more complex than this, of course. In human beings, ‘Good’ and ‘evil’ are fluid. People can be a combination of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ qualities. Some people who behave cruelly and brutally can be rehabilitated and eventually display ‘good’ qualities such as empathy and kindness.” (Steve Taylor) In this time you often see more bad than you will ever see good, times have shown that there is bad all over and there is no way to stop it. There are moments of greatness seen everyday, but it seems it is always overshadowed by the fact that there is often twice as much bad going on at the exact moment but somewhere else in the country. Lady MacDuff explains how her husband is a traitor to her and how he betrayed his son by breaking a promise, and in the end he does it to help his family but the bad outweighs the good and MacBeth still has her and the son

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