Macbeth Fate Vs Free Will

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Macbeth is seen as a noble, honest, loyal, and brave soldier. Not until he heard about the prophecies that led to his downfall. The exploration of fate versus freewill becomes a central topic in the play, as some argue it is Macbeth’s own choices that lead to his downfall, and some believe it is his predetermined fate that causes all the tragic events that happened in the play. The exploration of fate and free will reveals a delicate balance between predetermined events and Macbeth’s own actions. While the prophecies and supernatural elements suggest his fate, Macbeth’s choices, internal struggles, and the influence of external factors demonstrate the significant role of freewill in shaping the tragic outcome of the play. The prophecies delivered by the witches …show more content…

When Lady Macbeth said to Macbeth to “look like the innocent flower,/ But be the serpent under it” (1.5.67-78), she is saying to look innocent in front of King Duncan. After he heard about the prophecies and already planned to kill Duncan, Macbeth is having a terrible internal struggle on whether to kill the King or not as he is reminiscing Duncan’s kindness saying, “this Duncan/ Hath borne his faculties so meek. that his virtues/ Will plead like angels, trumpet tongued, against/ The damnation of his taking off” (1.7.16-20). Ultimately, it is still Macbeth’s decision to murder King Duncan and his choices on killing those who are seen as a threat. Macbeth’s decision on killing those who are a threat to him also leads to him hiring two murderers to ultimately kill his best friend, Banquo, and his son, Fleance. Macbeth views Banquo as a threat and fears him saying, “our fears in Banquo/ Stick deep: and in his royalty of nature reigns that which would be fear’d.There is none but him/ Whose being I do fear” (3.1.53-59). In this scene, Macbeth is now obsessed by the witches' prophecies to Banquo and treats him as his