Macbeth Guilt Quotes

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Guilt is experienced in everyday life. In the story "Sábado Gigante" written by Daniel Chacòn, we learn of a young boy who would rather play with dolls than do sports. In the play Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, Macbeth is hungry for power, leading him to stop at nothing to get the next heir to the throne. Guilt can have a strong effect on people and the way they act; this can be shown mentally, physically, and even emotionally.

Firstly, one’s mentality can be heavily changed if one doesn’t have a clear mind. Supporting this claim, in the short play Macbeth, after seeing the sight of Banquo, Macbeth must tell himself that "thy blood is cold." (Shakespeare 3.4) Due to the lack of sleep, Macbeth starts to see the illusion of Banquo’s ghost. He gets confused between the real world and the dream world, not knowing if what he saw was happening. Going further, Bruno’s father in the story "Sàbado Gigante," is "disappointed" in his "secret weakness" of not being good at sports. (Paragraph 2) This mentally effects Bruno, making him feel like a disgrace, believing his father would have liked him better if he were a girl. …show more content…

Firstly, Macbeth is consumed by his "wicked dreams" due to his lack of sleep. (Shakespeare 2.1.49-51) Macbeth can no longer sleep after his sins. His nightmares only represent the cruel actions that are eating him alive. To add on, after Bruno disappoints Carlos by not catching the ball, he decides to act like he "twists his ankle" to sit out. (Paragraph 3-4) The guilt of letting Carlos down by not being the athlete everyone wishes he was makes him fake injure. He might not be physically hurt, but he plays it off like he is, so he doesn’t disappoint

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