Quotes That Show Guilt In Macbeth

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In the play Macbeth, Shakespeare gave us a story showing how one's wants can take control over actions. Macbeth, the main character, had learned from witches how his future was going to hold. These witches had given him “prophecies”. With his knowledge of this, it led him and his Wife Lady Macbeth to affect the lives of many other characters in the play. Some are The King, Banquo, Macduff and many many more. It also caused them to commit terrible deeds, affecting their way of living and life. Throughout the entirety of the play Macbeth had experienced many emotions, showing guilt, desire, and distress. Guilt played a huge part in the emotions of Macbeth for a couple of main reasons. To start off, Macbeth had started to imagine things that weren’t really …show more content…

With him showing us he would go as far as killing someone to achieve what he wanted, showed how his desire had taken place. Putting everything together, with Macbeth's horrid thoughts and his yearning to become king, they had both shown us how his desire was played into his actions. Distress has taken a huge toll on Macbeth's emotions for a few reasons. To begin, Mecbeth had shown a sense of uneasiness. “Stars, hide your fires, Let not light see my black and deep desires. The eye winks at the hand; yet let that be which the eye fears, when it is done, to see.”(Shakespeare 1.4. 51-54) This quote shows Macbeth does not want his evil desires to come through, but at the same time he wants the courage to be able to. This shows the sense of unease he is feeling, not knowing what to do. To add on, he let his worries get the best of him. With the amount of terrible deeds committed, he got in his head. One being, him killing the servants due to his thoughts of thinking they knew what he had done. And another, him thinking the same for Banquo. With all of this thinking causing him to do the actions he did, it showed us how much distress Macbeth had been

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