
Imagination In Macbeth Essay

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In what ways is Macbeth, a play of imagination? Imagination often plays an important role in shaping ones character. Imagination can be seen playing similar role in the play Macbeth. Macbeth is an Introspective play written by Shakespeare and set in Scotland. The play elaborates the harsh physical and emotional effects of political objectives on those who look for power for its own sake. It is based on the disruption of power. Macbeth can be called a play of imagination due to the element of supernaturalism involved in the play. There were several other elements also included like nature, time and many more. Macbeth is the best example of Shakespeare’s use of imagination. Macbeth becomes extremely passionate with an idea of becoming king and …show more content…

The role of supernaturalism played an integral part of the structure of the plot in Macbeth. It provides catalyst for action, insight into character and impacts many scenes. Supernaturalism represents elements out of human control. Imagination was created in the readers mind by the use of supernatural events such as ghosts, witches, premonitions, prophesy etc. The appearance of Banquo’s ghost provides an insight into Macbeth’s character. It shows the level of Macbeth’s mind recessed to. Macbeth’s reaction with horror represents an atmosphere of evil. This helps the audience imagine the future events. The witches played a very significant part in the play. If there were no witches Lady Macbeth would never imagine herself becoming the queen and the betrayal of king of Scotland would never happen and they play would not go on. Imagination enables Macbeth to take hold of the ethical implications of the action he is going to commit, and he can visualize the full horror of the crime. These witches live as regular reminders of the potential for immorality in an individual’s imagination. “Macbeth lets his imagination flirt with evil possibilities.” Prophecies worked as the downfall of Macbeth’s power. Macbeth’s imagination dint work as powerfully at this time as it did in the beginning of the play. He does not take the prophecies warnings seriously as he should. And that led to his

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