Macbeth is worried about Banquo’s son and wisdom. He then sends two assassins to kill Banquo and his son This is important because Macbeth realizes that being king is meaningless if he is not safe, and is willing to commit another murder in order to make him live a worriless life as king. In this passage, Macbeth says that he is trapped, and cannot move forwards or backwards.
Macbeth is in a situation where he is forced to “stand his ground” because he made the decision to murder Duncan. This is significant as it shows that Macbeth’s decision to kill more people in his way (fulfilling the witches prediction) as he has already killed people in order to become king. This passage talks about how Banquo fled with Fleance. Macbeth says that as the …show more content…
Macbeth says they will grow and breed which will put Macbeth in a dangerous and troublesome situation, and he is willing to commit a crime in order to solve this problem despite the fact that he has already killed one person. This quote shows Macbeth’s fear. Macbeth prefers to see a dangerous figure or a wild animal instead of Banquo’s ghost. This quote is significant as it contributes to the plot as it reflects Macbeth’s craziness and madness of him trying to get over his own fear and actions. This also shows us that Macbeth is feeling somewhat guilty. Macbeth is referring to his fear of Banquo, who he believes is a rival to him. The allusion that he makes shows us that Macbeth is afraid that he may lose to Banquo to gain the throne. This quote of Macbeth is significant because he uses a literary device called allusion in order to express his position with Banquo. The allusion describes Mark Antony and Caesar relationship as Antony was eventually defeated by Caesar, and Macbeth fears the same will happen to him This line is significant as it ironic. Macbeth claims that Banquo is the “snake” when actually he himself is a “snake.” The snake is an allusion to the snake in the garden of