Macbeth Unchecked Ambition Essay

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Throughout life, following a moral compass is crucial and should control ambition, no matter what golden opportunities arise. Reality might have moments where ambition seems the better choice, but ceaseless ambition causes harm. Shakespeare’s Macbeth alludes to the question: as long as the final goal is achieved, should morality matter? According to Shakespeare’s Macbeth the consequences of unchecked ambition are a descent into madness and indelible disgrace.
Macbeth is a moral man, persuaded to follow excessive ambition with no morality, ultimately developing a series of unfortunate events to be invoked. Through the beginning, Macbeth is a revered and praised war hero explained to be valiant and moral. When presented with the opportunity to claim the throne through the killing of King Duncan, Macbeth is impelled to deliberate, “My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical, shakes so my single …show more content…

Kids that have immense ambition towards completing high-level courses with numerous after-school activities have stated that there were feelings of, “ stress some or all of the time” proving the negative effects of excessive ambition towards goals (Kluger). Ambition also is a necessity in life, for ambition is what creates, “the motivation to improve oneself, to grow a business or accomplish other meaningful goals” revealing how ambition generates humanity's improvements toward the future (Carucci). Ambition’s problem is when there is over-ambition which, “cause people to skip crucial steps… become reckless and ignore the advice of others” confirming how too much ambition can influence a downward spiral of reckless behavior like Macbeth and the students exhibited (Carucci). Ambition can be a positive force, but only when balanced with a strong sense of