
Macbeth's Ambition Essay

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Good morning/afternoon viewers. In the play Macbeth, Shakespeare poses the question to his audience, are we innately evil or is there a supernatural force that controls us and what is it that drives us to fulfil our ambitions? Through the character of Macbeth, Shakespeare presents a good honourable man, who falls victim to the witches' prophecies meaning he goes to extreme lengths to fulfil his ambitions. In the beginning Macbeth is portrayed as a brave and heroic character, a person of honour, someone to be praised. However, as the play progresses, he lets the prophecies of the 3 witches ghe human mind and the moral dilemmas that arise when one's desires override their conscience. The character, Macbeth, driven by his ambition to become king, turns to a dark path of murder and greed. This is shown in Act 3 scene 3 when he doesn’t kill Banquo because he fears him but because he fears that Banquo’s “dauntless temper of mind” is a threat to …show more content…

The play demonstrates the ripple effects of his actions, impacting those around him as well. We witness the manipulation and deception that accompanies his ascent to the throne, and the tragic consequences it brings upon himself and his loved ones. Macbeth’s lust for power reveals in act 1 scene 3 when the 3 witches tell him he will be king this is shown when “If good, why do I yield to that suggestion whose horrid image doth unfix my hair and make my seated heart knock at my ribs”. Macbeth then drifts to the ungodly and horrid image of murder as a way to become king. Shakespeare uses a metaphor to convey his excitement and fear by comparing his heartbeat with someone knocking on a door. This portrayal reminds us that the pursuit of power, when driven solely by personal gain, can lead to the destruction of relationships, trust, and ultimately one's own

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