Macbeth's Downfall Essay

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Shakespeare illustrates how the supernatural are partly to blame for Macbeth’s downfall. At a strange greeting with the witches and Macbeth, the witches “all hail Macbeth” after telling him that he “shall never be vanquished”. Shakespeare uses dialogue between the characters to depict their influence on Macbeth. Macbeth was a noble and loyal character at the beginning of the play, but with the influence of the supernatural, this shifts Macbeth character into being someone who must protect his position as king. Macbeth knows that King Duncan has “honoured [him] of late” but once he had “done the deed”, his moral conscience changes into wanting to kill more people. Once Macbeth becomes evil and murders everyone seen as a threat to him, his ultimate downfall occurs. By listening to these predictions and …show more content…

After hearing of Macbeth’s prophecies and murdering the king, Macbeth believes that “to be thus is nothing, but to be safelty thus”. This reinforces how murdering the king has not brought him piece, but rather ambition, anxiety and paranoia, setting him off to commit more “deeds”. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth are “young indeed” signifying that they are just beginners in heinous deeds and must continue. Shakespeare informs and audience how with the spur of Macbeth’s ambition are (is) manipulating his thoughts and causing him to commit more deeds to get ahead. Macbeth knows the power and position he will gain, encouraging him to keep going, which eventually leads to Macduff killing him. Shakespeare’s use of language for Macbeth, foreshadows what is in Macbeth’s future. “Thus is nothing” suggests that Macbeth needs more out of his life, and his ambition forces him to do more than needed. Once he fulfills his needs, this eventually spirals him to not only kill the monarch, his best friend and family, but himself. Through Macbeth’s own ambition, this grows his need for wanting more, ultimately leading to his

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