Theme Of Control In Macbeth

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In the play, Macbeth attempts to control his future many times. He does things that he probably should not have done, which then causes many more issues; he feels the need to try and correct them. Throughout the play, Macbeth involves many people in things that he forces them into doing by scaring and threatening them. Throughout the play Macbeth has many people killed in order to benefit him. He doesn’t believe that anyone knows what he is doing, but as people find out he begins to send murderers after them. Macbeth tried to control his future by killing Duncan in order to become king; he then kills anyone who somehow knew about the murder of Duncan. Macbeth in the beginning visits the witches, who tell him that he will become king, but he has others in his way of doing so. Lady Macbeth then encourages him to do whatever he has to do in order to get Macbeth. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth then plan the murder of Macbeth, and plan to frame the killing on the guards. After Duncan is killed there is then an earthquake. Macbeth doesn’t know that there is someone who knows that it was not the guards that killed them because the guards were also killed. Macbeth tries to …show more content…

They both believed that the murders that were commited, were very much needed and they would do it all over. However, in the end, they both saw how bad what they were involved in really was. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth did what they believed was right at the time to form a better future for themselves. They did things to benefit themselves, whether they knew it was bad or would affect many people or not. In the end they both knew that they didn’t get to the point in which they wanted so badly. They killed people, lied, and hurt other people. What they believed to be such a good and powerful position caused many issues between them and everyone involved. But in the end, they got what they worked so hard to

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