Machiavelli The Prince Chapter 12 Summary

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Machiavelli expresses many techniques to be an ideal political leader. A main component in being an ideal leader is ones Military. In Chapter 12 Machiavelli's focus on the law and military. He sees a connection between laws and army he states, "as there cannot be good laws where the state is not well armed, it follows that where they are well armed they have good laws." Expressing that to have great rules you must have a strong well-armed army and without a strong army you won’t have good laws that people obey. Both law and military work hand in hand. War should also be the sole focus to a prince, and to acquire a state is to master the art of war. Chapter 14 “A prince who does not understand the art of war, cannot be respected by his soldiers”. Study of military tactics for future princes is an ideal practice for a great leader also. The art of war is the key to success as a ruler, since unarmed princes are "despised." …show more content…

Avoid being hated and despised by your own people. Machiavelli The Prince also suggested a prince should have two fears, his own people and foreigners, but if he is well respected, and well prepared, and well-armed, he should have little difficulty in maintaining order both within and without his city. Because a prince who is not hated or despised will be able to guard against conspiracies to overthrow him. A prince who is always aware is a step ahead in chapter 3. The prince must remain powerful and always be wary of powerful outsiders who might try to over throw him. One must always show he is in power and be award of others who seems to be a threaten to his throne. Machiavelli goes on to use The Romans, as an explain who eventually grew to takeover Greece with the help of the Aetolians. Not being aware of Others who can over throw a leader can cause a prince to lose his power and his principality. A quality that a prince should have is always been