Macy On Rape

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When it comes to defining rape it can be rather difficult, however, according to the U.S. Department of Justice, rape can be defined as forced sexual intercourse, which includes psychological and physiological coercion. This may include vaginal, anal, or oral penetration. Either a woman or a man can be a victim of rape, however, more women are victims then men. Also, most victims know the assailant. As mentioned by the Haven’s Project at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2/3rds of rape were done by someone the victim knows. However, it is difficult to know exact statics about rape, because both rape and sexual assault are some of the most unreported crimes. This makes it rather difficult when it comes to helping to prevent rape from occurring. …show more content…

However, she feels that it has made her a stronger person. She is still very sensitive to the term rape, and does not like when people use that term, she feels as if it is much too invasive, and instead prefers when people use the term sexually assaulted. Macy has said that if it were not for her friend’s and families support, she would not be where she is today. Not only has the traumatizing event made her a stronger person, but she also sees the significance of helping other females who have been victims. She feels the importance of making sure the individual does not feel alone. A year after the rape, Macy saw one of the boys at a party she was at. She walked up to him and said you may have dragged me down and hurt me, but I am stronger then I have ever been. The boy has nothing in return to say. She knew that she will always have to live with that frightening night, but those three men will always have to live with the thought that they raped someone. She knew that that idea alone would make them …show more content…

However, often times rape goes unreported because the individual feels shame, guilt, and fear of reporting the event, so often times the perpetrator gets off with no repercussions, because it is to painful for the victim to relive the traumatizing events that occurred during their sexual assault. Not only is rape common amongst other age groups, but also rape is a common occurrence on college campuses. According to statistics 20% of college women are victims of rape. Personally, I think universities need to become more active in preventing rape from occurring, and helping those who are victims. For example, just because my friend Macy did not want to press charges three men got away with no repercussions, and the university did not do anything to get the three boys in trouble. In fact the three boys are all still students