Madam Cj Walker Biography Essay

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During the 1800’s and 1900’s segregation was still going on and growing stronger over the year. Most African Americans were either working on plantations or working for others just to bet by and take care of their children. Sarah Breedlove McWilliams “Madam C.J. Walker” was born into a single parent household and ultimately lived a life of struggle but, still managed to become very successful in adulthood. Madam C.J. Walker is my Time’s Person of the Year because she changed African American hair forever, was the first black millionaire, and a global symbol to many American hair products and life. In the 1890’s many Americans much like Walker was figuring out different ways to straighten their hair. At the age of 23 Walker developed a scalp disorder which caused her to lose much of her hair, and began experimenting with different …show more content…

The very first product made by Walker was called “Wonderful Hair Grower” and was sold for $1.25 each tin can. As profits began to grow over time Walker opened up her very first manufacturing company and beauty school in Pittsburgh then moved to Indianapolis. However, with business bombing at the time Walker still felt her products weren’t reaching other people around the world. So from a previous relationship she had her daughter A’lelia run the company while she ventured around spreading her products more. Due to venturing out 3’000 people seen how broad Walkers influence was and decided to go work alongside her in companies and later became known as “Walker Agents. With all the high success of her business in 1913, Walker and Charles divorced and she traveled Latin America and the Caribbean promoting her business (9 BIO).after traveling the world and spread of her products Walker became the first African American woman millionaire upon her come back