Madera High School Bullying Essay

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Not only can staff members assist the students at Madera High School, but students can also help eachother out in terms of charisma. For example, students can help eachother out by standing up for students when seen being bullied. Then maybe the students being bullied may have the ability to stand up for themselves knowing they have someone that have their back’s. In fact, when the question, “What would you do if someone came to you for help due to harassment or bullying? Please explain” majority of the students said they would give advice, be there for them, and talk to an adult or parent for help. According to a student from Madera High, the way he or she said would help is, “I would recommend they go to and adult, but if they did not want …show more content…

Although the the research that was collected based off of this survey, it is not such a huge problem, but it is still a problem and it does not stop happening, it goes on and on. Justice should be made for the students that have been bullied or harassed no matter how huge or not the problem is. Based off of the survey, 41 staff members knew the code of conduct at Madera High School for bullying, but 9 staff members have no idea. Madera High School needs to get on the staff members about the code of conduct because every single individual that works there should be aware of it. Bullying occurs every single day whether others witness it or not, it is still a scenario and there should be a solution to this scenario. As it was said previously, bullying is not such a huge problem at Madera High School, teenagers will most likely continue being the way teenagers are, and it will probably continue to happen regardless of what is done. The students at Madera High School do not deserve to be bullied or harassed no matter the circumstance, neither should anyone else in this