Magna Carta Research Paper Outline

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Magna Carta
The Magna Carta initiated the principles that led to the foundation of vital documents such as the Bill of Rights .These principles created a system of balance to limit government power to avoid problematic situations between government officials and citizens. This research paper will illustrate the history of the Magna Carta and emphasize its impact on the development of documents used for the overall well-being of a country’s individuals.
The Beginning of the Magna Carta In 1204 King John was defeated by France therefore losing English owned land in northern France. This territorial lost pushed King John to increase taxes without telling the barons defiling the Feudal System, which the king used to consult the barons about tax raises and the increase of military men. Violating this custom not only angered the barons, but also the Roman Catholic Church. In 1207 the pope responded to King Johns’ decisions by closing all church services. Barons believed that only the Roman Catholic Church could decide if you were worthy to go to heaven, thus causing uproar in England. It was until King John was excommunicated by the pope that he agreed to the power of the Catholic Church, therefore regaining church services in 1214. However, peace didn’t even last …show more content…

After four days, modifications were made to the document that’s was later known as the Magna Carta. Although, the initial reason for the Magna Carta was to bring peace to England, the idea failed due to a civil war breaking out in only three months. In 1216 Henry III, became the King due to King Johns’ passing. King Henry III began his reign by adverting conflict so he modified the Magna Carta by removing several of the controversial conflicts. The document was released again 1217 and was revised several times after until its last edit, the 1225