Magnet Student Research Paper

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The Highly Gifted Magnet student is one who is of high IQ compared to the rest of the human population. The ways of the HGM student are an enigma. At the beginning of the day, an hour before school begins at 8, he is often found in front of his first period classroom, doing homework that was assigned to him a week ago. During his first few periods, the HGM student is only half awake, as he spends his nights whiling away in front of his computer, juggling video games and social media with studying. The probability is high that he takes a nap or two during first and second period in order to avoid fatigue, after which he is offered a brief reprieve called nutrition. During nutrition, a common pastime of the precocious pupil is complaining to his peers that a specific subject is too hard. Depending on whether or not there is a test within the next period or two, he can also be found cramming. He is often be found with his nose deep in the history …show more content…

If, on the glaring laptop screen, vibrant online shopping, social media, or news sites replace the notes, then the image of a highly gifted class period three and four is formed. In these periods, the enthusiasm and focus of the teacher lecturing is often juxtaposed against the apathy of the students. The indifferent disciple often occupies himself by perusing shoes online or browsing the latest posts made by his friends, or bumbling through an assignment for his next period that he only just remembered because he saw his neighbor working on it. Depending on the class, and the position of the student’s seat, he can even be found blatantly playing games or watching a video with earphones in. The cocky student regrets making these poor decisions further down the road, but for the moment, he is enjoying himself and does not have a care in the