
Major Component Of The Movie The 13th

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The Major components to the film the 13th are that it talks slavery and how black people use to live for example the movie talked about how black people used to be property of white rich famers or land owners. I feel like it was completely wrong to have black people being white people property. I also feel like it is wrong to segregate people based on skins or other ethics or beliefs.
The movie also describes issue around black people and how white people wanted to make difference in the law-making stronger laws surrounding those issue for example crack then cocaine since more black communities used crack and more white communities used cocaine. (23:00-25:00 13th movie) Black people were getting worst sentences then white people using the same substance. Everyone who does drugs should get equal and fair treatment of the laws. I think who ever do drugs should be does not necessary need to be thrown into jail I view as a personal choice just liking drinking and smoking cigarettes. People should not be thrown into jail for life for doing drugs since when the government made a bill that was called a crime bill it was used against people by giving people longer prison sentences then they …show more content…

The movie 13th makes connection with prison sentences and different policies that were made over historical times against black or color. So overall the film is hitting on the believe that color and black people were treated very unfair in the rule of justice in the laws by providing example like longer prison sentences for color people over white people for similar crimes that they commit. The 13th movie goes into depth about different crime bills that has had a major effect on the black

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