Majoritarian Vs Consensus Mode

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Canada is composed of many different regions, all following the democratic political system. There are two competing types of democracy; the majoritarian and consensus mode. Majoritarian mode concentrates its political power to the hands of the majority, while the consensus mode is a negotiation democracy that ensures all group members are included, including minority groups. The consensus mode aims to maximize the size of the ruling majority rather than being satisfied with the bare majority. This incorporates shared power around citizens. Issues are always rising over many controversial topics. In Canada we follow the majoritarian system to help deal with and settle disagreements. A decision is made by majority rules. This means, votes are …show more content…

However, Switzerland uses the consensus model. The Swiss political system is run by a federal council and legislatures that are elected individually for four years (Lijphart 2014, p. 35).This allows for more independence and a balanced relationship from the separation of powers more than the cabinet-parliament we have here in Canada. (Lijphart 2014, p. 35). Consensus models are also fare better with the control of violence, voter turnout and citizens’ satisfaction with democracy (Freeland, Valerie. Poli 220-101, Democracy, October 3.) All these are very important to consider for Canada’s political system as they hold great significance. Also strong bicameralism uses the upper house to make decisions to benefit minorities by giving them special representations. Where as the majoritarian is a unicameral legislature which means only lower house is making decisions. (Lijphart 2014, p. 36). Therefore, like the Swiss, allowing Canada to incorporate a bicameralism legislature means there is more compromise between majorities and minority groups. This relates back to both countries being multicultural. Discrimination becomes an issue when this minority ethnic groups feel they have no rights. The Swiss system has the National Council as the lower house to represents the Swiss people. In Canada we could allow for the lower council then to repent all the ethnic groups and again avoid …show more content…

The consensus model will then represented the people in a society by including minority groups. Including minority groups is essential in Canada since we are recognized for being a cultural mosaic. As well as this sticks to the original meaning of democracy being by and for the people. A majoritarian model of government only made decisions in the hands of a select few, whereas, in a consensus model the power was divided in a federal or decentralized