Makayla Case Study

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Makayla Although Sequence can be a great asset, Makayla is overusing this skill. One bit of advice that I would offer is to not seek step-by-step directions as much. Instead, ask for the desired outcome and use her knowledge and experience to complete the task to standard. Although it is more challenging to come up with your own directions, in the end it is more rewarding in the sense that you did it on your own. John John gives a lot of unnecessary information, which can make it difficult to understand the original point he was trying to make. My recommendation to him would be to question the relevance of his information. In his letter for example, a lot of the extra information could have been discarded if he had asked himself if it was important to the recipient. I would recommend that he proofread all of his correspondence to minimize the over sharing. Paul …show more content…

I would recommend that he concentrate more on his Sequence skill. Being that it is a use as needed skill for him it should not be difficult to strengthen it. I would advise him to make checklists in regards to his writing and to stick to those lists. In doing so, over time, his skill level may increase to a use first thus making him a more marketable scientist. Raheem I would strongly urge Raheem to spend more time on his studies. Being that he doesn’t like to make time for school work I would suggest easing in to it. He could start off with an hour a day so it doesn’t seem too intimidating or overbearing and increase it from there. Also, to play off of his Technical Reasoning, he should keep reminding himself of why he went to school in the first place. By keeping his original intent in mind he would constantly be reminded of the purpose. My LCI Results Sequence 21 (Use as Needed) Precise 27 (Use