Making A Murderer: The State Of Wisconsin Vs Brendan Dassey

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The documentary, Making a Murderer brought national attention to an otherwise statewide murder case known mainly in the state of Wisconsin. The cases, which both involved the murder of Teresa Halbach, were The State of Wisconsin Vs. Steven Avery and The State of Wisconsin Vs. Brendan Dassey. The handling of the cases is up to debate, especially the verdicts themselves. Avery was found guilty of homicide and possession of a firearm, while Brendan, the nephew of Avery, was found guilty of homicide, mutilating a corpse, and sexual assault. And it was all based around this one particular murder that transpired in Manitowoc County, where the unfortunate victim was a young woman by the name of Teresa Halbach. The murder of Teresa Halbach occurred …show more content…

They also find problems with evidence involving Teresa's RAV4, which was found on the Avery property, saying that there was a car crusher on location in the Avery Junkyard, and that any reasonable person would have destroyed the car, since they would’ve known that it could have been used as evidence against them. A great point is also brought up by them regarding Steven's blood being found in the car, saying that there were no fingerprints found in the car belonging to Steven, and that he would have needed to wear gloves, and even if he had worn gloves, then there would have been no way possible that he could have bled from his finger. It also doesn't make sense that the police suddenly found evidence in Avery's garage on March 1st of 2006, the bullet casings, even though they had been searching for 4 months prior without finding a shred of physical evidence. Lenk was also there when the search of the garage had happened, even though he was never even authorized to be there. And since he had mishandled a previous case that involved Steven Avery, which led to a wrong conviction that landed Steven Avery in an 18-year prison sentence for rape, a crime he didn’t commit, he was deposed as a result and relieved of his duties while also being sued by Avery on the basis of his wrongful conviction. So, it is very suspicious that he shows up on the exact day that evidence is found that has the potential of being used against Avery in a court of

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