
Making The History Of 1989 Essay

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Making the History of 1989: The Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe
The primary theme of the website is the fall of communism that culminated in the historical collapse of the Berlin wall that was a potent symbol of a divided Europe during the cold war. Based on an evaluation of the facts and events that shaped the world prior to 1989, the website particularly argues that history was made on November 9, 1989 when the Berlin wall came down after the resistance movements and revolutions that emerged in Eastern Europe in the 1980s successfully resulted in the end of communism . According to the authors, many historical occurrences took place in the year. However, the websites highlight the revolution of 1989 as the most phenomenon events of the era. The revolution of 1989 was just a small part of revolutionary waves that culminated into the collapse of Marxism in Eastern and central Europe. The main idea that the website focuses on is the wave of revolution that resulted in the historical …show more content…

Several contributors undertook the project with the main participants being Katherine Gustin (project manager), Mills Kelly (Chief Investigator) and Kelly Schrum (Project Co-Director). Each of the project team members has made a significant contribution to the website in terms of publication of the articles. Generally, the author of this website supports the revolution of 1989 that lead to the merging of Eastern and central Europe. In the article, the author seemingly identifies only events that translated to the success of the revolution. The writer fails totally to mention incidents that went against the revolutionary waves. In this case, the writer’s perspective alienates the ability of readers to make unbiased conclusion concerning the historical event. The article makes assumptions that every person in Europe supported the union of the two antagonistic divisions

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