Malcolm Gladwell Essay On Internet Activism

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Is internet activism, or slacktivism, weak? Yes, according to Malcolm Gladwell. In this essay we will first summarize Gladwell’s investigation and apprehension’s, and then apply these analysis’ to the “International Anti-Fur Coalition Fur Free (IAFC, 2006)” & the “Greenpeace, Have a break? (International, 2010)” campaigns. We will identify of the features each of these campaigns and attempt to explain how they contributed to the victory or defeat of each campaign.
Malcolm Gladwell’s “Small Change: Why the revolution will not be tweeted” (Gladwell, 2010), begins by deliberating over the impact of social media on activism in modernity. In the 1960’s activism had an entirely different technique than it does currently; sit-ins were organized that …show more content…

Greenpeace states: A big 'Thank You!' to the hundreds of thousands of you who supported our two-month Kit Kat campaign by e-mailing Nestlé, calling them, or spreading the campaign message via your Facebook, Twitter and other social media profiles. This morning, Nestlé finally announced a break for the orangutan - as well as Indonesian rainforests and peatlands - by committing to stop using products that come from rainforest destruction (Greenpeace, 2010). This victory conveys a clear missive to the palm oil and paper industry that rainforest annihilation is not a tolerable practice in today's global marketplace. Even though the video was removed from YouTube, calls of censorship and suppression spawned spin-offs and within hours of it being re-posted on a different site views soared to over a million. Facebook was an additional crucial online arena for the Kit Kat campaign (International, 2010), where a constant torrent of pressure was applied to Nestlé through remarks left on its Facebook Fan page. While many others also wore their support on their sleeve Facebook-style by exchanging their profile pictures to images of our campaign Kit Kat 'killer' logo, orangutans, and rainforest (International,