Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers Essay

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Malcolm Gladwell's book “Outliers” is one of the most influential success guide book in the world. Outliers is divided into nine chapters and each chapter contains different stories of success and different guides to success. One of the most well-known chapters of Outliers is chapter two; “The 10,000-Hour Rule”. The 10,000-hour rule talks about how 10,000 hours is the estimated amount of time an individual requires to spend to become an expert in any field. Chapter two begins with the childhood story of Bill Joy, who is now a significantly influential computer scientist. Along with Bill Joy, Gladwell continues with the story of one of the greatest and most influential band of all times, The Beatles, and another legendary figure in the computer …show more content…

However, the purpose of Outliers is not to brag about the lucks that successful people had, but to remind readers that opportunities are always available and that it solely depends on oneself to make each opportunity special and to make it to be the guide to one’s success. It is a waste of time and energy to believe that there will be that one perfect opportunity and complain when it does not come. In chapter two, Gladwell writes “Achievement is talent plus preparation”. (38) This quote exactly explains how that it is not about waiting for the one perfect opportunity, but always preparing, so one can be able to recognize and be ready for the opportunities that continuously show up in life. No one knows which event or chance will lead to success; either Bill Joy, Bill Gates, or the Beatles knew that certain events will lead them to success. However, their pure love and dedication automatically lead them to take the opportunities that they didn’t even know were opportunities which later on lead them to success. Gladwell emphasizes that one should always have genuine interest and love for what he or she wants to be successful