Malcolm X Homemade Education Essay

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In Malcolm X’s “A Home Made Education” we learn from Malcolm that you can learn anywhere if you would just put in the effort to find answers to your curiosities. “Many who today hear me somewhere… will think I went to school far beyond the eighth grade. This impression is due entirely to my prison studies.” (Malcolm) He learned practically everything from the dictionary he read and the books he found. Who would have thought that you could learn so much from simply books and spending time in prison? Unorthodox methods can work better than the average ones in occasions. He didn’t spend time in college to learn all of these amazing and crazy things, such as vocabulary and how history only gives so much information about the events that have occurred, …show more content…

“My homemade education gave me… a little more sensitivity to the deafness, dumbness, and blindness that was afflicting the black race in America.” (Malcolm) His life after prison probably would have never happened the way it did if he had not picked up that dictionary and started writing down the words and meanings, page after page, until Malcolm reached the back cover. All of the newfound information created his homemade education. “The ability to read awoke inside of me some long dormant craving to be mentally alive.” (Malcolm) He wanted to learn, he just didn’t realize that until he started reading and working on better penmanship. Malcolm finishes “My Homemade Education” by writing “I imagine that one of the biggest troubles with colleges is there are too many distractions, too much panty raiding, fraternities, boola-boola, and all of that. Where else but in prison could I have attacked my ignorance by being able to study intensely sometimes as much as 15 hours a day?” I find it true that, in my case, college is full of distractions, but in order for me to continue gaining more education I have to put in the time and full amount of effort to get what I want out of being here, far away from