What Are The Dangers Of Texting And Driving Essay

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We fully understand that texting and driving is dangerous, but, many of us still tend to do it. While a person is texting and driving, they hardly ever think of the worst case scenario. Although texting and driving is not the only cause of car accidents, research shows that it is now, the most common one. Because text messaging requires visual and manual attention from the driver, it is said to be one of the most alarming distractions. Simple phrases like “Hi, LOL or WYD” can cause someone to either lose their lives or injure themselves in a car accident. This public service announcement informs viewers that if a person becomes distracted by a cellular device while driving, they may end up seriously injured or dead. The screen showing iPhone text messages caught my eye before anything else in the photo; being that I am a teen and I do text and drive occasionally.
In this photo, the iPhone messages indicate that two people have been communicating through text messages. In this time period, it is normal to see almost everyone interacting with their cellular devices while driving. After all of the accidents that have occurred in the last past years, distracted driving accidents should not have this many victims. Many other things in this photo could indicate that the victim had been texting and driving before the accident …show more content…

The way the text message screen is coming out of the car could indicate that the driver was texting and driving before the accident. As stated before, many people text and drive knowing the consequences but they’ll never imagine death or an accident. It’s ridiculous how people are killing others and most of the time themselves from being distracted while driving. Research has shown that teens are involved in fatal car crashes than any other age group. Although not all people end up dead from these car crashes, a large amount of people