Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

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To look around you today, is looking at a generation consumed by technology. Technology gives our society the opportunity to escape from the struggles faced and feeds us an imaginary dimension we wish we were in. Because of this reign of industrial tech, we are lured in with every waking hour, even when we are driving. The culture today has let phones eradicate us to the point that we can’t take our eyes off of them, even when in control of a four thousand pound vehicle. Texting while driving is the most dangerous, life-threatening distraction a person can self inflict while on the road. An excuse that many people use is, "I am completely capable of texting on my phone without getting distracted. I have done it before and nothing has happened". Once someone has texted and drove without anything happening, they start to casually text more often, and eventually come to the conclusion that they are able to text while driving safely. Unbeknownst to most, texting while driving becomes a serious habit and they justify it completely inside. Even if nothing tragic happens while driving, it doesn't justify texting and driving. Data and facts show that typing out a text message on your phone makes the chances of a crash 23 times more likely, even over dialing, talking, …show more content…

Around 330,000 injuries occur each year and almost eleven people die every day from phone related accidents. It only takes five seconds of looking at your phone to cause an accident on the road, and most likely kill or injure someone. If you are traveling at 55 miles per hour and look at your phone for only five seconds, you are traveling the distance of a football field in that time. It only takes a split second to completely alter the course of your own life or someone else’s life. Your phone can be used at a weapon when pulled out in the car; it could cause a path of anguish and