The Nation Of Islam: The Radical Views Of Malcolm X

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Malcolm X, a very vocal leader for African Americans, was prevalent during the 1960s; however, after his hajj, a religious obligation that every Muslim must fulfill that involves a pilgrimage to their holy city of Mecca, he began to change his views away from The Nation of Islam (NOI), a section of Islam that had a radical focus toward the African American Civil Rights movement and its structure was based on Islamic elements. Malcolm X was known for his extremist views that did not condemn violence and his support for separation. One can easily see the views in which X held by comparing them to his foil: Martin Luther King, one of the most prominent African American civil rights leaders in American history. Malcolm held these radical views for the majority of his public life until his separation from the NOI and conversion to orthodox or mainstream Islam. Furthermore, Malcolm X did not see …show more content…

He preached for complete segregation, which Malcolm X coined and popularized the term separation, and in attempts to form a black society. Joining the Nation of Islam gave him the means to preach to African Americans who believed they did not have any other choices in fighting discrimination. Malcolm X was considered a radical due to his methods with the NOI, since violence was not out of the question. This contradicts Martin Luther 's view of multiracial, nonviolent approach. Malcolm X, at the beginning of his ministering, called for racial independence with criticisms of mainstream civil rights leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. who cooperated with the popular opinion of the time that was held by the majority of the population, that being white. He did not believe that the problem of the African Americans would be solved through a peaceful, quiet means and