Man The Black In Latin America Analysis

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The film Black in Latin America details the black experience in Mexico, Peru, Haiti, and Dominican Republic. Many Latin American countries have deep roots that go back to Africa and slavery, but much of that ancestry has been masked or eliminated. The black experience in Latin America is still similar to the issues of racism present in the U.S. The disgust of black physical appearance and the cover up of some forms of African culture are seen throughout the region. The film takes a look at the social, cultural, and ancestral backgrounds of blacks revealing hidden secrets of their history and the attempts of countries to change their perception of how the world views them. For instance, in places like the Dominican Republic, the honored founders of the country are often depicted as white as well as the race of the citizens. Indeed, Latin America carries a large amount of the global black population yet, within the region their perception on race is not the same in comparison to the U.S. However black culture can still be seen in areas, where African inspired music and food is infused with Spanish and Mexican cultural aspects. Despite the neglect of black history, some communities still allow their African heritage to flourish by honoring significant black individuals.

A reoccurring theme of blackness in identity is often discussed in the film. …show more content…

Many countries in Latina America are trying to make advancements in black history, educating their citizens and eliminating racial discrimination. But much history about blacks is still hidden both by the country and within Latin American families. With greater improvements in their education system, the new generation can be taught the correct history of Latin American countries and how Blacks have equally contributed to the culture and identity of