Man Vs Society Quotes

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Man V.S. Society Do you know what Man V.S Society is? Well the book “Mississippi Trial 1955” has a lot of examples of it. It shows how racism affects the case of Emmett Till's murder and many other things that happen in the book. It talks about how they get treated unfairly and how they are treated. So for these reasons Mississippi Trial 1955 is a Man V.S Society story. Have you ever been to a colored school? I would say probably not. Colored schools got little to no money and they didn't really get good help. Throughout the story we are reading from the perspective of a little young white male who thinks he knows how a young black boy is feeling. We later find out that he knows nothing from chapter 7 when he siad “ but dont negros want their …show more content…

” This quote tells me that a hirman has no idea what it is like to grow up and be a colored boy. Have you ever helped or shared your things with a colored person? Probably not. The colored never get any good treatment or anything nice from the white folk. Throughout the story we see the interaction between black and white folk. Mostly all of the interaction was negative. In the story it says ” White folk don't share anything with colored, Boy Nothing.” Hiram never really gave or shared his stuff with Emmit Till. But I'm not saying that he wasn't nice to him. Hiram treated Emmit with a lot of kindness. He never tried to harm him or put him in danger. Emmit just got caught up with the wrong people. Even though they are all fighting for a case they are still all separated and treated differently. When they are in the court house awaiting the trial of Emmett, all the black people are sitting talking quietly while the white people are talking, smoking, and have someone to bring them water.” A few people smoked cigarettes , and some, only the white people, sipped ice water the deputies brought in. The negros talked quietly among themselves.'' What I have noticed with this quote is that they