Managed Care Analysis

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“Managed Care is a health care delivery system organized to manage cost, utilization, and quality (Medicaid, n.d).” Managed care is set up for easy affordable access to healthcare, the care is regulated so that needed procedures are performed on the patients within the limits of network providers available. There are many undesirable and helpful aspects of managed care. For example, a managed care system provides lower costs, quality service, employer opportunities to make available insurance for their employees, in network provider connections allowing for easy finds of doctors for the patient’s specific plan (Cyrene, n.d). There are however many disadvantages, those include not having the accurate provider or lack of provider for the required …show more content…

Over the years, the services of the hospital grew and Dr. Shadid was able to expand the practice, more locals have joined the membership and companies started joining as well to provide care for employees in the community. Over the years between the 1930’s and 1960’s many other Group Health Care plans started to come around including Group Health Association in Washington, DC, Kaiser-Permanente Medical Program Health Cooperative of Puget Sound in Seattle, Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York, Group Health Plan of Minneapolis among many others, although these came with many disapprovals the number of enrolled began to rise greatly (National Council on Disability, 2013). Today those plans are known as HMO, Health Maintenance Organization which are care plans to promote prevention of illness. In 1973 Health Maintenance Organization Act was implemented by the Nixon Administration to control growth of healthcare costs and create a more widespread plan, but this plan also introduced a for profit health care industry unlike it’s not-for-profit original stance (National Council on Disability, 2013). Ongoing grown of health care and costs then had congress authorize Medicare payments for patients, meanwhile the health coverage created growth in the healthcare field itself with more in and outpatient practices being opened for operation (National Council on Disability,