Managing Your Dog Get Over Excited Essay

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Does your dog get over excited? Well here’s 6 steps to managing your dogs over excitement. These steps will help all sorts of breed of dogs, if you follow the steps correctly. Here are the 6 steps. Step one: don’t encourage excitement. The best way to react to an excited dog is to ignore them. But if that doesn’t work and they try jumping on you, push them down or turn or walk the other way. Don’t run because you’ll get your dog more excited and they’ll think you’re playing with them. Step two: encourage calm behavior. If they’re calm you can give them affection and attention. If your dog is treat motivated then reward their behavior when your dog is being calm. Step three: wear your dog out. It’s easy to keep your dog from being over excited if they don’t have any energy. That’s why walking them is important. …show more content…

When your playing a game with your dog and they get kind of crazy and excited, stop the game. It’s sort of a gentle negative reinforcement. Step five: engage their nose. There sense of smell has a calming effect. Scents like lavender and vanilla can help calm your dog down. But before you do that, take your dog to the vet and make sure he or she is not allergic or has allergies to those scents. It’s always good to make sure your dog is safe. Step six: calm yourself. Your dog won’t be calm if you aren’t calm yourself. Whenever your around an over excited dog you always gotta make sure you are calm. All dogs have a good sense, and they can always sense what your feeling. They can sense if you’re happy, sad, mad, nervous, scared, etc. it’s good to put out a good vibe so your dog will be calm. Training your dog has a lot of steps to follow. It takes time and patience. If you follow the steps correctly, then you shouldn’t have any problems training your dog. The steps are telling you what to do and how to do it. Step 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 are basically telling you how to keep your over excited dog/puppy calm and

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