Pit Bull Training Essay

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If you have any personal experience in training a pit bull then you must already know the power of a reward.

Rewarding your pit bull will encourage him to obey your commands and listen to you. A good reward will also get your pit bulls full attention, which you need no matter what you are trying to train your dog. A reward is also what lets your dog know that what he is doing correct and you are proud of him.

So does this mean that you need to carry around treats with you wherever you go? No, of course not! There are a lot of ways to reward your pit bull for good behavior, giving him treats is just one of those many ways.

You should never rely on just treats, but instead try to incorporate different kinds of ways to congratulate your dog …show more content…

One way to do that, which is quite popular in the dog training community, is through clicker training. A clicker is just a little plastic training instrument which "clicks" whenever you press it.

As crazy as it sounds clickers actually work and do a pretty good job when it comes to motivating the dog to do something. Of course you can't just start clicking and expect your dog to understand what all the clicking means. That would just confuse your pit bull!

First you would have to associate the clicking sound with a positive reward. You have to link the two together so your dog understands that the clicking sound means he did the trick right.

The best way to do that is to start off by using treats whenever your dog does a trick and as soon as you give him the treat, you press the clicker to make the click noise.

Remember Pavlov and his experiment with his dog? Well essentially this is the same thing, except you are not clicking when you are about to feed your dog, but using the clicker as a way to reward your dog for good behavior. Basically whenever your pit bull hears the clicker, he will feel rewarded and more motivated to listen to your future