Should Pit bulls be Banned?
Do you think that pit bulls should be banned? People think they are dangerous, and lawmakers want to get rid of them for good. People should be allowed to keep pit bulls because the media makes them look worse than they are, at one time they were adored by all, and it is not their fault they act “vicious.”
People should be allowed to keep pit bulls because at one time, they were adored by all. Pit bull lover says, ‘’They were one of the most popular breeds in the 1900’s and they are also known to be kept as hunter guardians, as well as herders and pets.’’ Pit bulls can be great pets as well as herders, and guardians. Yes, there are other dogs that could do these things, but pit bulls have been popular and are known to be great animals. Pit bulls are protective good pets to people who treat them right and respect them. For example, Stubby, a pit bull, once saved his entire platoon’s life by letting them know of a poison gas attack. Pit bulls can protect us and keep us safe.
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As James Cross states, “News outlets consistently tell animal control officers they will not cover a dog attack, unless the situation involves a Pit bull. Even if a dog's breed is unknown media will often call it a Pit bull.” How is this fair? Pit bulls are not the only dogs to attack people or things. Media picks on Pit bulls and this should not be tolerated. If they pick on one, they pick on all. James Cross also said, “ Even if later later revealed that the dog was not a Pit bull, the damage is already done. The idea of Pit bulls being dangerous is in the public's eyes.” James Cross even said, “ People are terrified and have even stopped going to people’s houses, thanks to the media.” Instead of the bad things Pit bulls do we need to focus on the good too! People should be able to keep Pit Bulls because the media makes them look