The Importance Of Cultural Universals

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Humans, what make us the most intellectual species on planet Earth? Is it just because of our morphological characteristics and highly developed neural network or also because of our culture? Yes, some truth is behind our body geometry but a greater role is also played by the norms, values and ideas passed on to us by our fore fathers. These complex integrated pattern of learning that is passed on just like genes from earlier civilization to today’s generation, is defined as culture. Human societies consists of social behaviours and norms which is known as culture

People have different ideologies on the true definition of it but in every language it is somehow similar to its fundamental values. A great soviet era Psychologist named Lev …show more content…

These do not change over time but the way they are expressed do change with time. Some examples are language, food, music, and clothes. Cultural Universals meet basic human needs. Culture can be expressed materially (physical, tangible objects) and non-materially (customs, beliefs, philosophies). Both are equally important in defining and continuing a culture.

Humans have been descending with the expansion of new thoughts and items from generation to generation. This dynamic procedure of society expands culture with refreshment which creates some new and different culture in every generation. For its continuity and survival, society struggles as it adjusts according to environmental situation of its surrounding. Societies and cultures are going through changes. As long as people keep on inventing something that did not exist before, discover new things and also keep on spreading cultural qualities from one group to another, the changes will keep on continuing.

Language, norms and values are important parts to culture which cannot be separated from one another. They always coexist. Language is the foundation of every culture which consists of word meanings and symbols which not only describes a culture but shapes it as well. It includes speech (spoken sounds), written characters (letters), numerals, symbols (  ), and gestures (waving …show more content…

Ways in which segments of the population develop cultural patterns that differ from the dominant culture is known as cultural variation. Subcultures and counter cultures are 2 types of cultural variations where subculture is a section of society that has a distinct pattern of mores, folkways, and values different from those of the dominant culture that are familiar to those both within the group and those outside of the group. Subculture members belong to the dominant culture while at the same time engaging in behaviors that are unique and different to a subculture. Subcultures can be based on one’s age (teenagers, retired folks), region (WV “Hillbillies”, Ozark Appalachians), ethnic group (Swedish), beliefs (neo-Nazi), vocation (police, truckers) and shared interests (Computer users). It is not unusual of a subculture to develop its own