Miami's Cuban-American Community To Greek Life On Campus

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Culture is the shared characters of religion, language, symbols, values, norms, and routines of a specific group. With such a large concept like a culture, there’s bound to be more profound subgenres of cultures to better classify them. Subcultures are more compacted cultural groups within a vast culture. Subcultures can be formed from a person’s racial ethnicity or customs, and examples of subcultures can be Miami’s Cuban-American community to Greek Life on campus. Two of these many subcultures are high culture and low culture. When speaking of what defines high culture, the idea of expensive activities or objects that only a selected few with high resources can enjoy due to its authentic artistic expression is thought of; versus what one thinks in comparison to low culture, which is also known as pop culture. Pop culture is usually marketed …show more content…

A material culture is categorized as the belief that objects and physical things can hold meaning and worth; meanwhile a nonmaterial culture would hold the opposite belief, which is that attachments cannot be embodied into a physical object. For example, someone can be a minimalist, meaning they do not hold attachments to objects such as clothes or electronics, compared to a materialistic person, who’s household is littered with small trinkets that supposedly hold memories or meanings. Subconsciously, with a world that is full of cultures, there can be geographical locations that are filled with various cultures from people of other countries, such as the United States of America, which are even considered to be the Melting Pot of the World. A dominant culture is what is considered the most powerful culture in a location where there’s a multitude of them. For a country such as Mexico, the Catholic religion is a characteristic of the dominant culture of the

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