Mandatory Life In Prisons

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In this issue, I can not agree with the Supreme Court justices that argued to abolish mandatory life in prison for juveniles who commit murder. Yes, it is a cruel and overreacted punishment but, like the text was saying it is a failure to appreciate risks and consequences. At such a young age, teenagers shouldn’t be committing crimes that determine what the rest of their lives will be. I believe that in some cases the teenager committing the crime has a legitimate reason as to commit a murder even if it is wrong. They are probably hurt emotionally or they have been bullied for the last time so we can not really blame them, it is not all their fault. I believe most cases like those should not have that cruel of a punishment.

This issue goes …show more content…

I disagree with the Supreme Court justices, they deserve to been sentenced mandatory life in prison without parole. Sometime in between the time they are doing, they will open up their eyes and realize that what they did is wrong. There will be nothing they can do about it , the crime has been committed and all they can do is live their life full of regret. I can strongly agree with the four other justices about sending them into mandatory life without parole. I can see how could such a thought of setting off a bomb in a crowded mall or shooting up schools, it is just ridiculous and stupid why would anyone even have that …show more content…

I mentioned earlier that not all the reasons are the same but what is the same is he crime, I just think every different crime deserves a different punishment instead of a mandatory sentence to life in prison without parole. Most of the bad teenagers are well aware of what the consequences are and might not care about what happens to them. In way I do not agree with any of this because I believe everyone deserves a different punishment and it should not always be mandatory life without parole.

It is sad that lot of teenagers get sent to life for stupid choices like committing crimes and murdering. A lot of them that truly did not deserve that cruel of a punishment are being sentenced for life when they really should not be getting that type of punishment. Those who truly deserve it should continue their punishment because they deserve what was coming to them but do not get me wrong anyone who murders deserve some sort of punishment whether it is fair or cruel. I think it does matter is it was brutal or dysfunctional because there is reason as to why did they commit that