
Manifest Destiny In Texas, Oregon, And California

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During the late 19th century, many sensed that America was destined to expand from coast to coast. This belief that many Americans had was termed Manifest Destiny. Religion had a significant factor to the faith of expansion, as many stressed that America had divine providence. God was said had the power and was the reasoning behind the growth of the country. Others on the other hand, emphasized that America’s history made it inevitable to spread its borders throughout North America. It was destined for the country to disperse its political, economic, and social liberties throughout the continent. Texas, Oregon, and California were the three areas that were the most essential to push its presences toward the west. After Mexico gained its independence from Spain, Texas became a Mexican …show more content…

Originating as a Spanish law, Mexico followed through with the Empressario System that granted a man a large section of the Mexican land with rights of settlement. Stephen F. Austin who was nicknamed, “The Father of Texas”, was granted over 180,000 acres. (Manifest Destiny Powerpoint). Austin’s colony contained a population of about 30,000 people, and quickly outnumbered the amount of native Mexicans. The increasing number within his settlement gave Americans in Texas a thought of pursuing statehood and home rule. In 1836, Texas won its independence from Mexico and became the Republic of Texas. President James Polk put forth his interest of Texas by its victory during the Mexican- American War. America gained about one-third of Mexico’s territory (California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico). Before America and Mexico went to war in 1846, John Fermont’s expedition to California (Mexican

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