
Mano The Blue Space Analysis

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That time when you look into the sky or look into a deep blue lake and see nothing but the shiny sparkles or the wispy artistic fish scales. It seems like it's whispering peace into your ear and eyes. That blue space you love so much because it gives you peace is the unknown blue realm no one talks about because it is felt not spoken. That is where the lonely Mano lives, he speaks to us everyday but not in the way you think. He speaks to us through nature and the wild things. He gives us quiet guidance. There are three realms to keep in mind; There is the grey realm where the spectres and ghost are placed in after death. The gold realm is where heaven and or the God realm is located. Mano is an ethereal being, he does not have a physical form, you could say he is the air we breathe. If you even have a glimpse of him he is said to be of every shade of blue, and so he almost looks like a dewey, foggy, rainfall on an early purple dawn. Mano lives in the lonely, compassionate blue realm, receiving almost no recognition. He is very lonely. He is the …show more content…

He turns away for two seconds and his dog starts eating the spider. “Ew, benji, stop that!” He tugs the dog away. “This is going to make an interesting story to tell the guys at the hospital,” as he shakes his head and laughs. Doctor Shepard goes and gets ready for work. A rough start for this bachelored doctor but what he doesn’t know it is going to get much worse. He gets to work and it's quiet, “That's weird, where is everybody?” he says confused. One of the nurses glances over at him and say, “must be the calm before the storm.” He goes up to his office to fill out paperwork. After 30 some minutes of paperwork he receives a 911 call on his pager. He runs down to the ER and sees his mother on a gurney. Everything he perceives in slow motion. She is covered in burns and is screaming from the trauma. He did not think twice about the spider. For the spider was an ill omen about his

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