Communism: The October Revolution

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Communism was raised in the mid-19th century by the German philosopher, Karl Marx, who published “The Communist Manifesto”(cit)with Friedrich Engels, emphasizing on the struggle between proletarians and bourgeois, as well as the contradiction with capitalism. The theory did give a great influence to the globe in 19th century, it projected an ideal society could be built after the realization of communism. According to Karl Marx theory, the ideology of communism implied that the property and resources should be equally distributed to everyone in the society. Everything should be allocated based on everyone’s need, common ownership would replace the privatization. Through the class struggle between proletarians and bourgeois, slave and landlords, …show more content…

Vladimir Lenin(1870-1924) was a successor of Marxism, belonged to Bolsheviks party, a founder of Soviet Union Communist Party, and a leader of Soviet Union in 1917 to 1924. He also defined socialism in his own way- Leninism, while thought the domination of the classless people was the only way to socialism. He got the power after the “October Revolution” in 1917. October was described as a Soviet revolution, a proletarian revolution, a peasant revolution and a national revolution. The October Revolution can be categorized as one of the Russian Revolution. The Russian Revolution is a composition of revolution happened in a single year of 1917. After the death of Lenin, Joseph Stalin(1897-1953) became the leader of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) from 1929 until his death. He was born in Georgia and influenced by the socialism idea in teen. Stalin was deeply affected by his teacher- Lenin, with his idea and practice. By using his political strategies, he could consolidate his power. From 1929, Stalin announced the Five Year Plans, to promoted massive program to collectivize agricultural and …show more content…

However, pigs changed the Marxism into "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others", which showed that they have privileged on themselves. Similar things happened in the communist regime in China and Soviet Union.
First, Mao started class struggle and to clear the opposition voice. In order to consolidate the power, Mao categorized the society into the proletarian class and the ‘class enemies’. ‘Red categories’ represented the proletariat including poor and lower-middle peasants, workers, revolutionary soldiers, revolutionary cadres, dependants of Revolutionary Martyrs; whereas ‘Black categories’ meant the class enemies, which included landlords, rich peasants, reactionaries, bad elements, rightists, traitors and spies. (cit)
Moreover, the Hundred Flowers Campaign was launched in 1957 May, which was originally defined as a public criticism campaign, but later, it turned into the Anti-Rightist campaign. In the beginning of the campaign, the communist party encouraged people to express the views on their ruling. When more and more people stood out, and pointed out the mistakes of the communist regime, Mao could no longer tolerate, so he turned it into Anti-Rightist Movement in late