Marbury V. Madison Case: The Judiciary Act Of 1789

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The Marbury v Madison case took place in 1803 when the secretary of state, James Madison, refused to seat four judicial appointees despite them being confirmed by the senate. While the court had already ruled it was wrong to prevent Marbury from taking office, the Judiciary Act of 1789 gave the Supreme Court jurisdiction. The Supreme Court announced for the first time that a court may declare an act of Congress void if it is inconsistent with the Constitution. The Court also stated that Marbury was in the right but more so that the Judiciary Act of 1789 was unconstitutional deemed so because Congress could not give the Supreme Court power to issue an order granting Marbury his commission in the first place. A similar statement came from Chief Justice John Marshall when he stated that Congress could not give the Supreme Court the power to issue an order granting Marbury his commission because Congress had exceeded its authority by extending jurisdiction. In result of Marshall’s decision, Marbury was denied his commission.

McCulloch v Maryland occurred in 1819. This case upheld the right of Congress to create a Bank of the United States. It was first brought to the Supreme Court when the state of Maryland attempted to tax federal bank notes. It became a landmark …show more content…

Dred Scott was a slave who had been taken by his owners to free states and territories where he attempted to sue for his freedom. By decision of Chief of Justice Roger B. Taney, the court denied Scott 's request. Many believed that Congress had no right to ban slavery from U.S. territories which brought the case to the Supreme Court. The case challenged the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment which prohibits the federal government from freeing slaves brought into federal territories. The Supreme Court ruled against Dred Scott which outraged Northerners and contributed to the start of the Civil