Marc Auge The Importance Of Non-Places

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In the movie, the settings, both New Greenwich and the ghetto, are lack of identity or emotionally tied to people which can be seen as non-places. Non-places, as Marc Auge says, are places produced for specific reasons such as commercial and transportation. According to Auge, “non-places are opposed to ‘anthropological place’” which are places that are culturally and emotionally tied to humans. They are “places of identity, of relations, and of history”. Auge says that “supermodernity produces non-places”; people inhabit in industrial world behind “plastic and glass” buildings which are “bland and sterile” or in other words, non-places are places that have no closeness or human interaction. Some non-places in our society are leisure places such as shopping malls, or transportation areas such as airports or train stations. …show more content…

This non-place concept is included in the movie. In both, New Greenwich and the ghetto, have no purpose of serving as anthropological place. In New Greenwich, everywhere looks the same as they are all bland and colorless. For example, the hotel room Will stays, the casino he encounters Sylvia’s father, or Sylvia’s house; they are strongly identical to each other, there is no sense of belonging, there is no difference between temporary place such as hotel and permanent place such as home. In the ghetto, everywhere is commercial place as money, or in this place time, can be taken everywhere so people have no sense of security to any places. Moreover, Auge mentions that “at non-place, one cannot have any real recourse to common