Behavior In The Workplace

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Behavior If I was an employer, I would let my employees watch the March Madness during the work hours, however, not all the time. I would put a time limit on how much and when the employees can watch the live stream of the basketball tournament of March Madness at work. I would the employees watch the game for an hour and thirty minutes in the morning at the starting time, two hours during the lunch period, and one hour before quitting time. If the employees want to stay after quitting time to keep watching the game, they are free to do so. I would provide free food for the employees; the employees would additionally be encouraged to bring food for themselves or to share with others. The time that is not for the March Madness game, the employees …show more content…

2. How can organizations control the disruptive effects of such events?

Organizations can control the disruptive effect of such events by creating a culture that all the employees will feel accustomed to. This culture will establish a close bond among the employees, which will make it simple to institute a structured and disciplined work community.

3. If disruptive events also have the positive side effect of increasing communication, how can organizations create a culture in which these events are appreciated for their positive effects?

Organizations can create a culture in which these events are appreciated for their positive effects by transforming the disruptive events into useful activities where all the employees can participate in and communicate together; an activity that similar to the icebreaker game, but is more laidback and casual, can help improve face to face communication between