Marcus Brutus: A True Tragic Hero

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Do you ever wish you could go back in time to change all those wrong choices you made? Unfortunately, we can’t undo what we have already done, but accepting what you have done wrong will help you do the right. Aristotle states “One must discover the truth of his wrong choice and accept responsibility for his actions” (Aristotle's Tragic Terms). In order for someone to be a tragic hero they must understand what their mistake was. This closely relates to Marcus Brutus in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. Brutus is a true tragic hero in the play because he admits that he did wrong by killing Caesar. In William Shakespeare's play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Marcus Brutus is the tragic hero.
Obviously, Brutus’s actions brought opposite results of what he intended. On the other hand, some might say that was the same for Caesar. However, all of Caesar’s actions were leading to his death, Caesar was becoming a dictator and he should have suspected that it would result in death. Brutus states “Peace, freedom, and liberty” (III.i.122). Brutus was hoping that killing Caesar …show more content…

Some might argue that Caesar is the most honorable man because he declined the crown three times, Caesar only does this so it makes him look humble. For example, “I slew my best lover for the / good of Rome” (III.ii.47-48). Brutus doesn’t kill Caesar for his benefits, he kills him to save Rome from a dictatorship. Although Brutus suffered from this decision later on, at that time he did everything for the will of Rome, Brutus is truly honorable for doing so. How does someone achieve honor after their death? “That was the noblest Roman of them all” (V.v.68). Brutus’s adversary proclaims him to be the most honorable. This truly shows us that Brutus is an honorable man because even after his mistake of killing Caesar he is still proclaimed to be the most honorable. True honor is doing something for the good of everyone, not just

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