Marcus Cato The Elder Analysis

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Marcus Cato the Elder come from humble beginnings and worked himself to achieve great things.
Marcus Cato the Elder was a traditional Roman man, who clung onto old beliefs and the old way of life. Through his actions and words, M. Cato was a model citizen, who demand respect from those around him and would repay it in turn. He was considered a new man and made his way to the public by his own effect and successes. He even received his surname ‘Cato’ for his skills. Cato was a soldier for Rome, strengthened by hard work in the field. Cato did not believe in showing off his wealth, even when he inherited. He inherited an expensive coat, that he sold. Cato would drink water when he was fighting to keep a clear mind and the same wine as his servants. Cato was a frugal man and would be happy with cold meals for each day. Cato did not want any distractions in his life and refused the extravagances he didn’t need. He was a man who wanted to live a simple life, with the only extras …show more content…

He refused to speak to Athenians directly and would use an interpreter, despite the fact that he would talk with them directly. Cato was so opposed to the Greeks that he would not speak to them, despite knowing the language. Cato has always hung onto his Roman ways and refused to accept the influence of Greek culture. He even tried to run any Greeks out of Rome on any excuse he could find. Cato feared that Greek culture will corrupt the minds of young Roman men shifting their focus from laws to philosophy. It seems as though Marcus Cato simply loved Rome and didn’t want the influence of Greek culture to change the Rome he had grown up in. Cato opposed the spread of Greek culture because he was a proud Roman. Cato opposed Greeks because their philosophy would take Romans away from hard work, and have them listen to only words. He feared the fall of Rome if Greek culture spread too far into