Marcus Delinquent Behavior Case

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Target System
• Client: Marcus needs to realize that his delinquent behavior affects him and his family. He needs to be responsible for his action a great start would be distancing himself from peers.
• Family: Marcus’ family is willing to go along with any actions to get Marcus on track with school and to improve his behavior. In addition to Marcus getting help on his action, the family should also seek some counseling so they can all get along.
• Environmental: Marcus needs to distance himself from peers and stop all gang activities, is not exceptional for school. He must seek extracurricular activities after school or tutoring to improve his grades.
Each system is goal for Marcus and family to improve and collectively be taken seriously so that Marcus can get on the right track.
Intervention Plan
Goal #1: Decrease Marcus delinquent behavior.
Objective: Marcus will attend Camp Robert J. Martin Leadership Academy for 90 days to improve his behavior so he can return home.
Task: a) Treat client to have self- worth and self-discipline. b) Treat …show more content…

Social work will make weekly visits to see Marcus progress report with the school counselor.
Task: a) Check in on Marcus behavior and attendance. b) Check on his performance in school curriculum.
Goal #3: Involve after school activities.
Objective: Have Marcus attend Mount Hebron church to get involved with youth ministry.
Tasks: a) This will allow Marcus to stay out of trouble and meet positive friends. b) Allow the opportunity to have a spiritual guidance.
Goal #4: Improve the relationship between Marcus and family.
Objective: Marcus and family are doing counseling with Ms. Connie Fleming three times a week.
Tasks: a) These session will allow Marcus to open up to express his feeling about himself, school, and family. b) To have Marcus improve his relationship with each family member.