Margaret Sanger Understanding Civil Rights

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Understanding Civil Rights
What exactly does living the “American Dream” entail? The United States throughout history has set a certain standard for being the land of opportunity, where individuals come from around the world to fulfill their freedoms. The history of America’s past and current standings in social, political, and economic circles, influences, what it means to be an American. What exactly does it mean to have Civil Rights? Why were they fought so hard for throughout American history? The fight for civil rights was based on a broad spectrum, and fought for different reasons from race and gender, to religion and lifestyle choices.
Native Americans
Native Americans were were some of the first individuals who set the standards for what it meant to define civil rights, as theirs were completely stripped away. Native Americans are classified as a “group” of people, individually they all have different perspectives on how their civil rights were violated. For example, with the history of Chief Joseph. Like other tribes they tried to work with the government and negotiated treaties, which were broken and more conflict occurred. An example of American government betrayal was when Chief Joseph surrendered 400 men …show more content…

These movements were often times led by brave leaders, such as Margaret Sanger. Sanger discussed the different freedoms women had, and should fight for. Around the time Sanger discussed women's freedoms, the term of “feminism” came about, at which Sanger fought for the promotion of birth control as the main issue. Sanger stood by the statement, “No women can call herself free who does not own and control her body.” There was also a big emphasis on the need to be able to control birthrate and knowledge of sexual expression because there are no laws as is to protect the working mother from being