
The Holocaust Refugees In Cuba, And Drum Dream Girl By Margarita Engle?

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Margarita Engle was first born on September 2, 1951 in Pasadena, California. Throughout her childhood she mainly lived there but on her mother 's side of the family, she also had an “extended family” in Cuba so that 's where she grew her interest towards Cuba.
Margarita Engle raised awareness on the Cuban society and culture through her works including Surrender Tree, Tropical secrets: Holocaust Refugees in Cuba, and Drum Dream Girl. Margarita Engels text, the Surrender Tree impacted teenagers by giving them hope on tough situations.
Margarita’s text Tropical Secrets impacted hope throughout the reader 's lives in tough situations. The book is about Cuba never gaining its independence so it turned into a mess with concentration camps all over the place. Rose wants to change Cuba, so …show more content…

Margarita’s next text, Tropical Secrets impacted hope throughout the reader 's lives in tough situations. The book is about a boy named Daniel trying to escape Germany from the Nazis during the Holocaust while losing and trying to find his parents again. One main quote from this story is, If only the peace I feel right now could be stored up and released later when cruelty surrounds me in the dark during nightmares.” I feel like this quote is talking about Daniel and him wishing he could save all the good feelings and vibes for when he needs it during the bad moments. This text was written to show the readers what actually happened during the time period and to show how lucky we are not to be in his shoes.
My final text, Drum Dream Girl impacted Gender equality. The book is about a girl who wants to play the drums in a world where it’s only common for men to play them. One main quote from this book is, “On an island of music in a city of drum beats, the drum dream girl dreamed.” I feel like this quote is important because it shows how this one girl who was told not to do something dreamed of actually doing it. This text impacted Gender Equality between what men and woman

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