Maria Moretti: A Short Story

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Our story begins with the exquisite death of Maria Moretti. Her death was a small step in the larger plan. The beauty of her death would become the foundation to hatred and betrayal. Her young daughter Aria would remember the sight of her mangled and bloodied body until her own tragic demise.

You could feel the air losing its warmth and the world going silent. I guess that’s what happens when you run the mafia.

In the years to come the family would grow even more successful in their plight to rule New York. Aria would become the daughter of the most powerful mobster in all of time, though that would not stop her from witnessing the betrayal and corruption of her family and friends. She will fight and prevail and she will kill and betray, …show more content…

And as night fell upon New York she began her trek home. She was almost home when she began to hear screams come from the alley to her right. A silhouette could be seen through the darkness. The silver of a gun shining, pointed towards a child lying on the ground. Aria knew she must do something. She impulsive ran into the alley trying to remember the skills she learned. Grabbing the barrel of the gun and punching the man in the throat she finally got a good look at his face, and to her surprise it was her uncle. His eye contact was blazing almost as if a fire had been set in his soul. Aria quickly turned to look a the boy behind her. A feeling of pure disgust rang through her as she realized what she just saw, she spun around and a single thunderous gunshot could be …show more content…

A teenage girl answered the door somehow unsurprised to see the two gang members standing in front of her, both covered in blood. The girl, Clara Moore, invited them in her slight british accent shining through. The apartment was small yet charming the sound of Glenn Miller filled every crevice with music and tough it was late at night everyone in the household chatted away. The first to look up was an older woman with features that matched both Steven and Clara. The woman introduced herself as Catherine Moore, Steven and Clara's mother. Suddenly a blond flash ran through the now growing audience and tackled Ezra to the floor. Laughs now filled the room as Ezra and Steen hugged on the ground. They had finally found somewhere safe, although it wouldn’t last for very