Mariam Lon Quotes

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I think that Nana’s bitterness can be justified who approaches Mariam to expect nothing but being mistreated by men. On page seven, Nana gives Mariam advice for the future: “ Learn this now and learn it well, my daughter. Like a compass needle that points north, a man’s accusing finger always finds a women. Always. You remember that, Mariam.” As Nana said this to Mariam, she was giving her advice for the future. Nana states the following about the kolba Jalil built for Mariam and Nana to share: “he [Jalil] sounded like a warden bragging about the clean walls and shiny floors of his prison.” I think that it is an appropriate description because their kolba they live in was in the not so wealthiest part of town. It was like a small shack or house that they live in which would describe how a prison cell looks. …show more content…

Nana was always their for Mariam but on the other hand, Jalil seemed liked all he cared about was his wives. Even though that Nana might not have been the best parent, she was not a parent who could care less about their own child. Nana teaches Mariam how to do basic daily activities such as cooking, doing the laundry, and cleaning. Jalil teaches Mariam how the significance of caring for your children and that the world can be a harsh at times. Mullah Faizullah teaches Mariam on how to read and write. He teaches her about biblical records and stories. I think that Nana’s teachings would deem more useful to Mariam. The reason’s why Rasheed’s make Mariam wear a burqa is because he does not want anyone other than him to be allowed to see Mariam. In this culture, this is a popular daily life activity. As you can tell, Rasheed is very protective and traditional toward Mariam. Mariam’s job is to be like a housewife who cooks, cleans, and pleases the